Privacy Policy

It is the policy of FINALYTIX, INC. (“finalytix”) to keep confidential nonpublic personal information (“information”) pertaining to each current and former client (i.e., information and records pertaining to personal background, investment objectives, financial situation, investment holdings, and account numbers, account balances, etc.) unless finalytix is: (1) previously authorized by the client to disclose information to individuals and/or entities not affiliated with finalytix, including, but no limited to the client’s other professional advisors and/or service providers (i.e., attorney, accountant, insurance agent, broker-dealer, investment advisor, account custodian, etc.); (2) required to do so by judicial or regulatory process; or (3) otherwise permitted to do so in accordance with the parameters of the regulations of finalytix jurisdiction.

The disclosure of information contained in any document completed by the client in the processing and/or transmittal by finalytix in order to facilitate the commencement/continuation/termination of a business relationship between the client and a non-affiliated third party service provider (i.e., broker-dealer, investment advisor, account custodian, insurance company, etc.), including information contained in any document completed and/or executed by the client for finalytix (i.e., advisory agreement, client information form, etc.) shall be deemed as having been automatically authorized by the client with respect to the corresponding non affiliated third party service provider.

Each individual and/or affiliate with finalytix is aware of finalytix’s Privacy Policy, and has acknowledged his/her/it’s requirement to comply with same. In accordance with finalytix’s Privacy Policy, each such affiliated individual and/or entity shall have access to information to the extent reasonably necessary for finalytix to perform its services for the client, and to comply with the applicable procedures and requirements.

Should you have any questions regarding the above, please contact finalytix, at